Slowing down and deepening the breath calms the mind and relaxes the body.
Slow, deep breathing focuses your attention onto the deep currents of
energy flowing through your physical being.
For a few minutes, just breathe in and breathe out…. slowly, mindfully and deeply – right into the depths of your abdomen. Let the wave of energy created by each breath flow on down to your fingers and toes, and rise like soft and gentle mist into your head. Focus your awareness only on the breath as it comes in and goes out. As it comes in, let breath fill your entire being with its energy and life. As it goes out, let
it take with it all of your worries and concerns. Slow down and deepen the breathing until the entire body is relaxed. Let the waves of breathing encompass the whole body, every organ, every bone, your skin, your eyes - all of you.
proceed to Meditation using a sound.
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To proceed to Meditation Direct Awareness of the Spirit within.
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