It could be a mantra, or sacred word, from an eastern tradition – for example, many people find that "OM", chanted out loud, generates a potent sense of peace, power and clarity. Or it could be simply a plain word, such as "peace" or "one".
Close your eyes and keep very concentrated on your chosen word.
Every time your attention slips back into your normal stream of consciousness simply bring it back to the word. Keep breathing slowly and deeply. In time the experience that the word represents will fill your whole being.
At first this can be quite difficult, a bit like paddling upstream - more like white-water rafting actually.
It is counterproductive to go too far beyond your patience limit with it.
In time, as the process becomes more rewarding, these periods of meditation may be extended and
done more frequently – anytime, in fact, when you need to restore peace of mind. Even a few minutes helps.
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